8 Reasons to Develop a Mobile App Using React Native for Android and iOS

Mobile devices have become much more widespread during the last decade. People increasingly stay connected with the world using smartphones and tablet devices. According to Pew Research Center, the share of Americans who own smartphones has increased from only 35% a decade ago to 85% in 2021. Along with mobile phones, other portable electronic devices… Continue reading 8 Reasons to Develop a Mobile App Using React Native for Android and iOS

How Much Does It Cost to Build a React Native App: React Native App Development Cost in 2022

As people increasingly consume information using mobile devices, mobile apps have become an essential part of their everyday lives. Since 2019, US consumers have been spending more time during the day using their mobile devices than watching TV.   Not surprisingly, billions of Android and iOS apps are downloaded each year around the world. App… Continue reading How Much Does It Cost to Build a React Native App: React Native App Development Cost in 2022

Reasons to Use Angular for Mobile App Development

Angular is a JavaScript framework. The library helps to create web applications – sites that load only once. This technology has a relatively low entry threshold, so it often becomes the next and quite logical step after learning JS. Such specialists’ value is significantly increased – a person’s capabilities expand, and the understanding that programming… Continue reading Reasons to Use Angular for Mobile App Development

Why Online Store Owner Should Choose Swift for IOS App Development

If you do not have a touch-tone phone, then you probably wanted to create your mobile application at least once. Or to implement a long-standing idea, like that application for finding movies by clicking on an emoji. Or come up with something fun like a finger treadmill or ultrasound to repel mosquitoes. Better yet, create… Continue reading Why Online Store Owner Should Choose Swift for IOS App Development

Vue Vs React: What Framework to Choose for Mobile App Development in 2021?

There are many front-end frameworks out there. In this article, we’ll take a look at three of the most popular ones: React and Vue. We will also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using them for various web projects. With the development of the web and the increasing demand for responsive design, frameworks have… Continue reading Vue Vs React: What Framework to Choose for Mobile App Development in 2021?

Will Flutter Replace React Native? Flutter Vs React Native Comparison

The “rate of infiltration” of smartphones into everyday life is growing worldwide. According to statistics from StatCounter, the share of desktop users dropped to 45.66%. The simplest explanation for this state of affairs is the change in our way of life. We spend more time on the Internet than ever before. Almost everyone has access… Continue reading Will Flutter Replace React Native? Flutter Vs React Native Comparison