17 Important Mobile Ecommerce UX Best Practices in 2022

Mobile commerce has been on the rise during the last decade, with an average annual growth rate of 28% since 2013.  Mobile commerce, also known as mcommerce, refers to commercial transactions performed using a mobile device. As increasingly more people own portable electronic devices and use them to make purchases, this trend is not surprising. According… Continue reading 17 Important Mobile Ecommerce UX Best Practices in 2022

Categorized as Ecommerce

8 Reasons to Develop a Mobile App Using React Native for Android and iOS

Mobile devices have become much more widespread during the last decade. People increasingly stay connected with the world using smartphones and tablet devices. According to Pew Research Center, the share of Americans who own smartphones has increased from only 35% a decade ago to 85% in 2021. Along with mobile phones, other portable electronic devices… Continue reading 8 Reasons to Develop a Mobile App Using React Native for Android and iOS

How to Conduct an Effective Website UX Audit: Checklist and Template

In today’s fast-paced world, your website must organically grow and evolve in response to changes in your business objectives and your clients’ needs. User experience (UX) designers are continuously striving to optimize the satisfaction level of your site visitors. However, if left unattended, design continuity issues, accessibility gaps, or other drawbacks can seriously limit your… Continue reading How to Conduct an Effective Website UX Audit: Checklist and Template

Categorized as UI/UX

How Much Does It Cost to Build a React Native App: React Native App Development Cost in 2022

As people increasingly consume information using mobile devices, mobile apps have become an essential part of their everyday lives. Since 2019, US consumers have been spending more time during the day using their mobile devices than watching TV.   Not surprisingly, billions of Android and iOS apps are downloaded each year around the world. App… Continue reading How Much Does It Cost to Build a React Native App: React Native App Development Cost in 2022