Making Your Next Healthcare Startup HIPAA-Compliant – Essential Considerations

Despite hacking and IT incidents being the main reasons for healthcare data breaches in 2022, unauthorized access still accounts for 38% of issues. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) addresses the ways healthcare startups should protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information with the help of audit controls and transmission… Continue reading Making Your Next Healthcare Startup HIPAA-Compliant – Essential Considerations

The Impact of Blockchain on Healthcare Data Security and Interoperability

The issues of healthcare data security and interoperability become critical when we consider the sensitive nature of this information and the need for healthcare providers to access this data quickly to provide the best possible care to their patients. Blockchain technology has the potential to transform the ways patient data is stored, managed, and accessed,… Continue reading The Impact of Blockchain on Healthcare Data Security and Interoperability

The Future of Telemedicine: Trends and Opportunities for Healthcare Startups

Digital health is on the rise, while telemedicine emerged as one of its strongest trends. The rise of telemedicine was largely triggered by the pandemic, transforming healthcare delivery in response to the rise of remote work and strict social distancing measures. Fortunately, the pandemic is now over, however, the telemedicine market continues to grow and… Continue reading The Future of Telemedicine: Trends and Opportunities for Healthcare Startups