In ancient history, Brendan Eich had a language design, and in the modern world, JavaScript is a popular language used and used in many places. What made the language famous? Was this C-like syntax familiar to previous programmers? Does Netscape have enough control over the market to make people use it? Or is there some… Continue reading Why Use Javascript in 2025? 8 Disadvantages And Advantages of Javascript
Month: April 2021
Outsourcing vs. In-House in Web Development: Which is Preferable for Your Business?
There is a dispute fiercer than Gulliver’s confrontation between pointed and blunt points. It starts with the question, “How do you get the most out of your web design?” Try to ask it at an industry conference, and you will hear two opposite opinions: “100% outsource” / “Unambiguously trust the team in-house.” We could not… Continue reading Outsourcing vs. In-House in Web Development: Which is Preferable for Your Business?
Reasons to Use Angular for Mobile App Development
Angular is a JavaScript framework. The library helps to create web applications – sites that load only once. This technology has a relatively low entry threshold, so it often becomes the next and quite logical step after learning JS. Such specialists’ value is significantly increased – a person’s capabilities expand, and the understanding that programming… Continue reading Reasons to Use Angular for Mobile App Development
Why Online Store Owner Should Choose Swift for IOS App Development
If you do not have a touch-tone phone, then you probably wanted to create your mobile application at least once. Or to implement a long-standing idea, like that application for finding movies by clicking on an emoji. Or come up with something fun like a finger treadmill or ultrasound to repel mosquitoes. Better yet, create… Continue reading Why Online Store Owner Should Choose Swift for IOS App Development
X Reasons to Use Custom CMS for Your Own Business: Benefits and Average Price
Why does a small business need a website? Oh, we know all the reasons why you might resist creating a website for your business. The most common include “I don’t understand technology,” “it is too expensive,” “I don’t have time,” or the sadly familiar: “I already have a business to manage, and I don’t need… Continue reading X Reasons to Use Custom CMS for Your Own Business: Benefits and Average Price
What Is Python Used For? 14 Examples for Python Usage in Programming
There are many uses for Python, but some are particularly good at it. Let’s figure out what can be done in this language. If you are going to learn Python or have just started learning it, you wonder exactly what you can do with it. The question is not easy, as this language is used… Continue reading What Is Python Used For? 14 Examples for Python Usage in Programming