X Reasons to Use Custom CMS for Your Own Business: Benefits and Average Price

Why does a small business need a website? Oh, we know all the reasons why you might resist creating a website for your business. The most common include “I don’t understand technology,” “it is too expensive,” “I don’t have time,” or the sadly familiar: “I already have a business to manage, and I don’t need… Continue reading X Reasons to Use Custom CMS for Your Own Business: Benefits and Average Price

Categorized as Web Dev

Why Use WordPress for Website Development? 20 Reasons to Consider Creating a Website on WordPress

20 reasons to consider creating a website on WordPress At any given time, 84% of Americans are shopping for something. But less than two-thirds of small businesses have a website. And among small businesses without a website, 29% plan to build one in 2021. Believe it or not, 19% of companies claim that they do… Continue reading Why Use WordPress for Website Development? 20 Reasons to Consider Creating a Website on WordPress

Categorized as Web Dev